14 February 2023
Pearson and Skills Training UK have been working in partnership for over 5 years delivering a wide range of apprenticeships including Team Leading, Management and Improvement Practitioner. Most recently our provision has been focused on the Improvement suite of apprenticeships where we have seen fantastic success with Distinction’s at End Point Assessment.
It is so important for us as a training provider to work in collaboration with an employer to enable us to provide a tailored service, not just for the apprentice but the organisation as a whole. It means we can understand learning and development needs and business objectives which can be incorporated into the delivery model.
By working in partnership, apprentices benefit from support from all parties throughout their programme. Line managers are heavily involved in regular progress reviews to understand what the apprentice is working on so that this can be aligned to their role and projects/ tasks that are assigned to them. This enables the apprentice to get a greater understanding of their apprenticeship and how knowledge and skills learnt can be applied in the workplace.
Joseph Lynch, who is currently completing his apprenticeship says: “I have really enjoyed being on the Improvement Practitioner apprenticeship. Skills Training and Pearson are doing a great job supporting me through my learning. I’m picking up a lot of new skills that I’m sure I’ll be applying both in my current job and in the future!”
On the other hand, the partnership approach allows apprentices to gain exposure to other teams and areas of the business to ensure the apprenticeship criteria is met and to expand their knowledge of the organisation as a whole. This has a significant impact on their skills development and future career prospects. As a result of this, we have seen our apprentices gain promotions and have extremely successful careers, often supported by further apprenticeship programmes.
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